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First, note that pretty much any valid Julia function which takes one or two scalars as input, and returns on scalar as output, is likely to be a valid operator1. A selection of these and other valid operators are stated below.

Also, note that it's a good idea to not use too many operators, since it can exponentially increase the search space.

Binary Operators

Arithmetic Comparison Logic
+ max logical_or2
- min logical_and3
* >4
/ >=
^ <

Unary Operators

Basic Exp/Log Trig Hyperbolic Special Rounding
neg exp sin sinh erf round
square log cos cosh erfc floor
cube log10 tan tanh gamma ceil
cbrt log2 asin asinh relu
sqrt log1p acos acosh sinc
abs atan atanh


Instead of passing a predefined operator as a string, you can just define a custom function as Julia code. For example:

        unary_operators=["myfunction(x) = x^2"],
        binary_operators=["myotherfunction(x, y) = x^2*y"],
            "myfunction": lambda x: x**2,
            "myotherfunction": lambda x, y: x**2 * y,

Make sure that it works with Float32 as a datatype (for default precision, or Float64 if you set precision=64). That means you need to write 1.5f3 instead of 1.5e3, if you write any constant numbers, or simply convert a result to Float64(...).

PySR expects that operators not throw an error for any input value over the entire real line from -3.4e38 to +3.4e38. Thus, for invalid inputs, such as negative numbers to a sqrt function, you may simply return a NaN of the same type as the input. For example,

my_sqrt(x) = x >= 0 ? sqrt(x) : convert(typeof(x), NaN)

would be a valid operator. The genetic algorithm will preferentially selection expressions which avoid any invalid values over the training dataset.

  1. However, you will need to define a sympy equivalent in extra_sympy_mapping if you want to use a function not in the above list. 

  2. logical_or is equivalent to (x, y) -> (x > 0 || y > 0) ? 1 : 0 

  3. logical_and is equivalent to (x, y) -> (x > 0 && y > 0) ? 1 : 0 

  4. > is equivalent to (x, y) -> x > y ? 1 : 0 

  5. cond is equivalent to (x, y) -> x > 0 ? y : 0