Evaluation & Derivatives


Given an expression tree specified with a Node type, you may evaluate the expression over an array of data with the following command:

) where {T}

Evaluate a binary tree (equation) over a given input data matrix. The operators contain all of the operators used. This function fuses doublets and triplets of operations for lower memory usage.


  • tree::AbstractExpressionNode: The root node of the tree to evaluate.
  • cX::AbstractMatrix{T}: The input data to evaluate the tree on, with shape [num_features, num_rows].
  • operators::OperatorEnum: The operators used in the tree.
  • eval_options::Union{EvalOptions,Nothing}: See EvalOptions for documentation on the different evaluation modes.


  • (output, complete)::Tuple{AbstractVector{T}, Bool}: the result, which is a 1D array, as well as if the evaluation completed successfully (true/false). A false complete means an infinity or nan was encountered, and a large loss should be assigned to the equation.


This function can be represented by the following pseudocode:

def eval(current_node)
    if current_node is leaf
        return current_node.value
    elif current_node is degree 1
        return current_node.operator(eval(current_node.left_child))
        return current_node.operator(eval(current_node.left_child), eval(current_node.right_child))

The bulk of the code is for optimizations and pre-emptive NaN/Inf checks, which speed up evaluation significantly.


You can also use the following shorthand by using the expression as a function:

    (tree::AbstractExpressionNode)(X, operators::OperatorEnum; kws...)

Evaluate a binary tree (equation) over a given input data matrix. The
operators contain all of the operators used. This function fuses doublets
and triplets of operations for lower memory usage.

# Arguments
- `tree::AbstractExpressionNode`: The root node of the tree to evaluate.
- `cX::AbstractMatrix{T}`: The input data to evaluate the tree on.
- `operators::OperatorEnum`: The operators used in the tree.
- `kws...`: Passed to [`eval_tree_array`](@ref).

# Returns
- `output::AbstractVector{T}`: the result, which is a 1D array.
    Any NaN, Inf, or other failure during the evaluation will result in the entire
    output array being set to NaN.

For example,

using DynamicExpressions

operators = OperatorEnum(; binary_operators=[+, -, *], unary_operators=[cos])
tree = Node(; feature=1) * cos(Node(; feature=2) - 3.2)

tree([1 2 3; 4 5 6.], operators)
3-element Vector{Float64}:

This is possible because when you call OperatorEnum, it automatically re-defines (::Node)(X) to call the evaluation operation with the given operators loaded. It also re-defines print, show, and the various operators, to work with the Node type.


The Node type does not know about which OperatorEnum you used to create it. Thus, if you define an expression with one OperatorEnum, and then try to evaluate it or print it with a different OperatorEnum, you will get undefined behavior!

For safer behavior, you should use Expression objects.

Evaluation options are specified using EvalOptions:


This holds options for expression evaluation, such as evaluation backend.


  • turbo::Val{T}=Val(false): If Val{true}, use LoopVectorization.jl for faster evaluation.
  • bumper::Val{B}=Val(false): If Val{true}, use Bumper.jl for faster evaluation.
  • early_exit::Val{E}=Val(true): If Val{true}, any element of any step becoming NaN or Inf will terminate the computation. For eval_tree_array, this will result in the second return value, the completion flag, being false. For calling an expression using tree(X), this will result in NaNs filling the entire buffer. This early exit is performed to avoid wasting compute cycles. Setting Val{false} will continue the computation as usual and thus result in NaNs only in the elements that actually have NaNs.
  • buffer::Union{ArrayBuffer,Nothing}: If not nothing, use this buffer for evaluation. This should be an instance of ArrayBuffer which has an array field and an index field used to iterate which buffer slot to use.

You can also work with arbitrary types, by defining a GenericOperatorEnum instead. The notation is the same for eval_tree_array, though it will return nothing when it can't find a method, and not do any NaN checks:

eval_tree_array(tree::AbstractExpressionNode, cX::AbstractMatrix, operators::GenericOperatorEnum; throw_errors::Bool=true)

Evaluate a generic binary tree (equation) over a given input data, whatever that input data may be. The operators enum contains all of the operators used. Unlike eval_tree_array with the normal OperatorEnum, the array cX is sliced only along the first dimension. i.e., if cX is a vector, then the output of a feature node will be a scalar. If cX is a 3D tensor, then the output of a feature node will be a 2D tensor. Note also that tree.feature will index along the first axis of cX.

However, there is no requirement about input and output types in general. You may set up your tree such that some operator nodes work on tensors, while other operator nodes work on scalars. eval_tree_array will simply return nothing if a given operator is not defined for the given input type.

This function can be represented by the following pseudocode:

function eval(current_node)
    if current_node is leaf
        return current_node.value
    elif current_node is degree 1
        return current_node.operator(eval(current_node.left_child))
        return current_node.operator(eval(current_node.left_child), eval(current_node.right_child))


  • tree::AbstractExpressionNode: The root node of the tree to evaluate.
  • cX::AbstractArray: The input data to evaluate the tree on.
  • operators::GenericOperatorEnum: The operators used in the tree.
  • throw_errors::Bool=true: Whether to throw errors if they occur during evaluation. Otherwise, MethodErrors will be caught before they happen and evaluation will return nothing, rather than throwing an error. This is useful in cases where you are unsure if a particular tree is valid or not, and would prefer to work with nothing as an output.


  • (output, complete)::Tuple{Any, Bool}: the result, as well as if the evaluation completed successfully (true/false). If evaluation failed, nothing will be returned for the first argument. A false complete means an operator was called on input types that it was not defined for.

Likewise for the shorthand notation:

    (tree::Node)(X::AbstractMatrix, operators::GenericOperatorEnum; throw_errors::Bool=true)

# Arguments
- `X::AbstractArray`: The input data to evaluate the tree on.
- `operators::GenericOperatorEnum`: The operators used in the tree.
- `throw_errors::Bool=true`: Whether to throw errors
    if they occur during evaluation. Otherwise,
    MethodErrors will be caught before they happen and
    evaluation will return `nothing`,
    rather than throwing an error. This is useful in cases
    where you are unsure if a particular tree is valid or not,
    and would prefer to work with `nothing` as an output.

# Returns
- `output`: the result of the evaluation.
    If evaluation failed, `nothing` will be returned for the first argument.
    A `false` complete means an operator was called on input types
    that it was not defined for. You can change this behavior by
    setting `throw_errors=false`.


DynamicExpressions.jl can efficiently compute first-order derivatives of expressions with respect to variables or constants. This is done using either eval_diff_tree_array, to compute derivative with respect to a single variable, or with eval_grad_tree_array, to compute the gradient with respect all variables (or, all constants). Both use forward-mode automatic, but use Zygote.jl to compute derivatives of each operator, so this is very efficient.

) where {T<:Number}

Compute the forward derivative of an expression, using a similar structure and optimization to evaltreearray. direction is the index of a particular variable in the expression. e.g., direction=1 would indicate derivative with respect to x1.


  • tree::AbstractExpressionNode: The expression tree to evaluate.
  • cX::AbstractMatrix{T}: The data matrix, with shape [num_features, num_rows].
  • operators::OperatorEnum: The operators used to create the tree.
  • direction::Integer: The index of the variable to take the derivative with respect to.
  • turbo::Union{Bool,Val}: Use LoopVectorization.jl for faster evaluation. Currently this does not have any effect.


  • (evaluation, derivative, complete)::Tuple{AbstractVector{T}, AbstractVector{T}, Bool}: the normal evaluation, the derivative, and whether the evaluation completed as normal (or encountered a nan or inf).
eval_grad_tree_array(tree::AbstractExpressionNode{T}, cX::AbstractMatrix{T}, operators::OperatorEnum; variable::Union{Bool,Val}=Val(false), turbo::Union{Bool,Val}=Val(false))

Compute the forward-mode derivative of an expression, using a similar structure and optimization to evaltreearray. variable specifies whether we should take derivatives with respect to features (i.e., cX), or with respect to every constant in the expression.


  • tree::AbstractExpressionNode{T}: The expression tree to evaluate.
  • cX::AbstractMatrix{T}: The data matrix, with each column being a data point.
  • operators::OperatorEnum: The operators used to create the tree.
  • variable::Union{Bool,Val}: Whether to take derivatives with respect to features (i.e., cX - with variable=true), or with respect to every constant in the expression (variable=false).
  • turbo::Union{Bool,Val}: Use LoopVectorization.jl for faster evaluation. Currently this does not have any effect.


  • (evaluation, gradient, complete)::Tuple{AbstractVector{T}, AbstractMatrix{T}, Bool}: the normal evaluation, the gradient, and whether the evaluation completed as normal (or encountered a nan or inf).

You can compute gradients this with shorthand notation as well (which by default computes gradients with respect to input matrix, rather than constants).

    (tree::Node{T})'(X::AbstractMatrix{T}, operators::OperatorEnum; turbo::Bool=false, variable::Bool=true)

Compute the forward-mode derivative of an expression, using a similar
structure and optimization to eval_tree_array. `variable` specifies whether
we should take derivatives with respect to features (i.e., X), or with respect
to every constant in the expression.

# Arguments
- `X::AbstractMatrix{T}`: The data matrix, with each column being a data point.
- `operators::OperatorEnum`: The operators used to create the `tree`.
- `variable::Bool`: Whether to take derivatives with respect to features (i.e., `X` - with `variable=true`),
    or with respect to every constant in the expression (`variable=false`).
- `turbo::Bool`: Use `LoopVectorization.@turbo` for faster evaluation.

# Returns

- `(evaluation, gradient, complete)::Tuple{AbstractVector{T}, AbstractMatrix{T}, Bool}`: the normal evaluation,
    the gradient, and whether the evaluation completed as normal (or encountered a nan or inf).

Alternatively, you can compute higher-order derivatives by using ForwardDiff on the function differentiable_eval_tree_array, although this will be slower.


DynamicExpressions.jl also supports automatic differentiation with Enzyme.jl. Note that this is extremely experimental. You should expect to see occasional incorrect gradients. Be sure to explicitly verify gradients are correct for a particular space of operators (e.g., with finite differences).

Let's look at an example. First, let's create a tree:

using DynamicExpressions

operators = OperatorEnum(binary_operators=(+, -, *, /), unary_operators=(cos, sin))

x1 = Node{Float64}(feature=1)
x2 = Node{Float64}(feature=2)

tree = 0.5 * x1 + cos(x2 - 0.2)

Now, say we want to take the derivative of this expression with respect to x1 and x2. First, let's evaluate it normally:

X = [1.0 2.0 3.0; 4.0 5.0 6.0]  # 2x3 matrix (2 features, 3 rows)

tree(X, operators)

Now, let's use Enzyme.jl to compute the derivative of the outputs with respect to x1 and x2, using reverse-mode autodiff:

using Enzyme

function my_loss_function(tree, X, operators)
    # Get the outputs
    y = tree(X, operators)
    # Sum them (so we can take a gradient, rather than a jacobian)
    return sum(y)

dX = begin
        ## Actual arguments to function:
        Duplicated(X, storage),

This will get returned as

 2×3 Matrix{Float64}:
  0.5       0.5       0.5
  0.611858  0.996165  0.464602

which one can confirm is the correct gradient!

This will take a while the first time you run it, as Enzyme needs to take the gradients of the actual LLVM IR code. Subsequent runs won't spend any time compiling and be much faster.

Some general notes about this:

  1. We want to take a reverse-mode gradient, so we pass Reverse to autodiff.
  2. Since we want to take the gradient of the output of my_loss_function, we declare Active as the third argument.
  3. Following this, we pass our actual arguments to the function.
    • Objects which we don't want to take gradients with respect to, and also don't temporarily store any data during the computation (such as tree and operators here) should be wrapped with Const.
    • Objects which we wish to take derivatives with respect to, we need to use Duplicated, and explicitly create a copy of it, with all numerical values set to zero. Enzyme will then store the derivatives in this object.

Note that you should never use anything other than turbo=Val(false) with Enzyme, as Enzyme and LoopVectorization are not compatible, and will cause a segfault. Even using turbo=false will not work, because it would cause Enzyme to trace the (unused) LoopVectorization code!